

L-Ascorbate-2-Phosphate (Ascorbic Acid 35%)/Vitamin C Phosphate Ester/CAS No. 23313-12-4

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

[Mesebetsi] litlatsetso tsa vithamine.Mosebetsi o ka sehloohong oa asiti ea ascorbic ke ho kenya letsoho tlhahisong ea collagen ea li-cell interstitial, ho boloka capillary permeability, cortisol e susumetsang le li-hormone tse ling, ho khothalletsa ho thehoa ha li-antibodies le matla a phagocytic a lisele tse tšoeu tsa mali, ho ntlafatsa tšireletso ea liphoofolo.Ho prosess ea bio-oxidation, e bapala karolo ea ho fetisa haedrojene le li-elektronike, detoxifying, antioxidant, anti-scurvy le anti-stress, hape e bapala karolo ea mafolofolo ho qaptjoa ha carnitine, ho fetola folic acid hore e be tetrahydrofolate e sebetsang. ho monya mala ka tšepe.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Selelekela sa Sehlahisoa:

[Lebitso] L-Ascorbate-2-Phosphate(Ascorbic Acid 35%)

[Lebitso la Senyesemane] Vitamin C phosphate ester

[Lebitso la lik'hemik'hale] L-3 Su-oxo acid hexose-2-- phosphate ester

[Mohloli] ascorbic acid le polyphosphate ho catalyst esterification

[Motsoako o sebetsang] L-ascorbic acid

[Sebopeho] phofo e tšoeu kapa e mosehla, e sa nkheng, e bolila hanyenyane

[Lintho tsa 'mele le tsa lik'hemik'hale] Foromo: C9H9O9P, boima ba molek'hule: 256.11.E qhibiliha ka metsing, e hanyetsanang le acid, alkali le mocheso o phahameng, botsitso bo phahameng ho leseli, oksijene, mocheso, letsoai, pH, mongobo, linako tse 4.5 tsa oksijene le botsitso ba mocheso ho feta vithamine C e tloaelehileng, makhetlo a 1300 a matla a antioxidant ka tharollo ea metsi ho feta e tloaelehileng. vithamine C, le makhetlo a 830 a botsitso ba polokelo ea lijo ho feta vithamine C e tloaelehileng, e leng eona e tlatselletsang vithamine C bakeng sa phepelo ea litlhapi.

[Mesebetsi] litlatsetso tsa vithamine.Mosebetsi o ka sehloohong oa asiti ea ascorbic ke ho kenya letsoho tlhahisong ea collagen ea li-cell interstitial, ho boloka capillary permeability, cortisol e susumetsang le li-hormone tse ling, ho khothalletsa ho thehoa ha li-antibodies le matla a phagocytic a lisele tse tšoeu tsa mali, ho ntlafatsa tšireletso ea liphoofolo.Ho prosess ea bio-oxidation, e bapala karolo ea ho fetisa haedrojene le li-elektronike, detoxifying, antioxidant, anti-scurvy le anti-stress, hape e bapala karolo ea mafolofolo ho qaptjoa ha carnitine, ho fetola folic acid hore e be tetrahydrofolate e sebetsang. ho monya mala ka tšepe.

[Tšebeliso] eketsa ho fepa ka mor'a hore e hlapolotsoe pele, 'me u kopanye hantle.

Letoto la Lihlahisoa :

Vithamine C (Ascorbic Acid)

Ascorbic Acid DC 97% Granulation

Vithamine C sodium (sodium ascorbate)

Calcium Ascorbate

Ascorbic acid e koahetsoeng

Vithamine C phosphate

D-Sodium erythorbate

D-Isoascorbic acid




JDK E sebelisitse Livithamini 'marakeng hoo e ka bang lilemo tse 20, e na le ketane e felletseng ea phepelo ho tloha ho odara, tlhahiso, polokelo, thomello, thomello le lits'ebeletso tsa kamora thekiso.Mefuta e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa e ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng.Re lula re tsepamisitse maikutlo ho lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo, ho fihlela litlhoko tsa 'maraka le ho fana ka litšebeletso tse ntle ka ho fetisisa.

Histori ea Khampani

JDK e sebelitse li-Vitamins / Amino Acid / Cosmetic Materials 'marakeng ka lilemo tse ka bang 20, e na le ketane e felletseng ea phepelo ho tsoa ho odara, tlhahiso, polokelo, thomello, thomello le lits'ebeletso tsa kamora ho rekisa.Mefuta e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa e ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng.Re lula re tsepamisitse maikutlo ho lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo, ho fihlela litlhoko tsa 'maraka le ho fana ka litšebeletso tse ntle ka ho fetisisa.

Letlapa la Lihlahisoa tsa Vithamine


Ke Hobane'ng ha U Re Khetha

hobaneng o re khetha

Seo re ka se etsetsang bareki / balekane ba rona


  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe: