

Battery electrolyte Trimethylcyanosilane CAS No. 7677-24-9

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Foromo ea molek'hule: C4H9NSi

Boima ba Molek'hule:99.21

Lebitso le Leng:Cyanotrimethylsilane~TMSCN;TMSCN;trimethylsilylcarbonitrile;Trimethyl Silane Cyanide;trimethylsilanecarbonitrile

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


E le electrolyte e sebetsang hantle haholo ea betri, trimethylsilyl cyanide e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatseng ts'ebetso ea betri le ho tšoarella nako e telele.Sebopeho sa eona se ikhethang sa limolek'hule le thepa e etsa hore e be e loketseng bakeng sa ho eketsa katleho le nako e telele ea lisebelisoa tsa betri.

Joalo ka sehlahisoa se feto-fetohang, trimethylcyanosilane e boetse e na le lits'ebetso tse fapaneng ho organic synthesis le ts'ebetso ea lik'hemik'hale.Hangata e sebelisoa ho hlahisa lik'hemik'hale tse khethehileng le meriana, e leng se etsang hore e be motsoako oa bohlokoa liindastering tse ngata.

Khetha Rona

JDK e na le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea maemo a pele le lisebelisoa tsa taolo ea boleng, tse netefatsang phepelo e tsitsitseng ea li-intermediate tsa API.Sehlopha sa litsebi se tiisetsa R&D ka sehlahisoa.Khahlanong le bobeli, re batla CMO & CDMO 'marakeng oa lapeng le oa machabeng.

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